The Game of Relationships in Hollywood!

Happy Friday!

You have your character-driven headshots, actively training in classes, and have strong clips on your profiles for submissions. Your talent representatives are firing away on submissions, however there is just one thing — you’re not getting that many theatrical auditions!

You may see a co-star or supporting role here and there, but you’re wondering to yourself: WHERE are the guest stars? The recurring work? the leads in films? What can YOU do as an actor to help further your own career that is slipping day by day?

A successful acting career not only lies in having great talent and material, but in creating genuine relationships in this town. Even as a talent manager, I have to maintain great relationships with casting directors, producers, directors — even make-up artist and hairstylist to secure opportunities not easily made available to me.

As an actor, you have to keep your ear to the ground, know the right people, and make your OWN career happen.

How do you network with industry professionals and build your relationships? Simple. You expose yourself to new events. You get involved with the SAG-Foundation. You engage on social media and most importantly, you leave an AMAZING performance in the audition room so casting remembers you for future jobs to come.

What do relationships have to do with acting? Often times, there are projects that casting directors, producers, and directors get weeks, sometimes MONTHS before it’s released to the public.

Even better, if you know writers directly — you may even have a role written for you in mind! You’re invited to events, you’re kept in the loop which contributes to the enhancement of your career!

Keep networking. Keep building. Your time is coming!

xx Chris Giovanni

How to BUILD your relationship with your Agent or Manager!

Happy Sunday!

One of the more common questions that I often receive is exactly HOW to build a great relationship with your talent agent or manager. Most actors sign with an agent and have absolutely no idea on how to genuinely build a successful relationship. Out of sight, out of mind and then eventually — you’re dropped from their roster.


The key to an effective partnership with a talent rep is simple — communication. It’s a 50-50 partnership that requires both sides of the scale to be level. The following tips will help you to balance out your relationship with your team and further your career at light speed:

1. Effectively communicate your career goals at the beginning of the contract.
The moment that you are presented with a new agreement, take some time to create a list of career goals to send over:

Do you want to book a co-star in the first 2-months?
Do you enjoy public speaking and want to set up a small event?
Do you want to put out a 3 track EP by a certain time frame?
Are you in the first draft of a script? Do you need assistance with revisions?

Communicating your goals not only sets the foundation early in the partnership, but will instantly trigger in your team that you’re serious about making it in Hollywood. A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.

2. Provide your team with what is needed to get their job done.
Occasionally check in with your talent reps to see if there is anything that you need to update. Headshots, clips on your profile, maybe a new recorded track to help shop to music labels around town. Before pointing at your team for the lack of movement in your career, make sure that you are doing your part to make it easy on them!

3. Be mindful of which updates are worth sharing!
Agents and Managers operate differently in Hollywood. Some appreciate ALL updates, some only prefer updates that help them to do their job. Some great examples of updates to share with a talent rep: New relationships with industry professionals, new updates to material, (headshots, clips, etc.) invites to shows are great, INCREASE in social media engagement, new skills and languages learned, etc.

Don’t get carried away with updates. Wait until your relationship is strong enough with your reps to share other details that may not be as important.

4. Request calls and emails in duration.
Going hammer time on the phone is not the best way to build a relationship with your team, especially for things that lack urgency. Before emailing or calling for advice, gauge the importance of your question. Does it really require a phone call or email? Can I figure this out myself from a quick google search? Be resourceful before throwing in the towel!

5. Most importantly, DO YOUR PART!!!
Talent reps DREAM of a proactive client. The client who goes the extra mile to build personal relationships with casting. That outsources their own auditions. That sets studio time and invites the manager or agent to come listen and provide feedback. We should never be blindsided by anything because we already know what’s in the works. Every time we speak, there should be new updates from your end, and vice versa. If you’re just sitting at home waiting for auditions, that will be your career.

As always, feel free to send me any questions you have & I’ll tackle them!

With love,
Chris Giovanni xo

Are you really READY for a SERIES REGULAR?

Hollywood — the place where an actor can go from a one line co-star, to a straight to series pilot in light speed! Well, the most luckiest actors, right?

Ask every actor that approaches Los Angeles. Everyone wants to be a series regular on a show. To be known for their craft, to make tons of money, and work consistently for the upcoming months and years to come.


But honestly, is that REALLY a career that you’re prepared for? Have you perfected your craft enough that you’re ready to tackle a series? Check out below and find out if so!

Are you CAPABLE of a series regular?
Being a series regular requires a lot of memorization, time management, and personal skill that extend WELL past shooting a short film. Say you’re on a series with a 8-10 episode order. You may have a week, or even a few days to knock down 30-50 pages plus of script and dialogue. How well can you break down a script now? Are you able to get off-book of 9-12 pages of sides with ease for an audition? CAN you connect with your CHARACTER? If not, you should probably take some time to work with your coach before approaching a series regular.

Are you EMOTIONALLY ready for a series regular?
A series regular comes with tons of emotional battles. While the glamorous aspect of being a series regular comes with tons of press and notoriety, there are behind-the-scenes battles that often take place on a show. Are you emotionally ready to handle a show not being picked up? The potential of being replaced by another actor (I know a well-known actress who was replaced at a table read by HER cast mate from a previous series.) If you’re approaching a series regular and you’re in the mindset of a winner, and that anything can happen — go for it.

Are you FINANCIALLY ready for a series regular?
Before you are selected for a series regular, your team will negotiate a test option or offer for you to go before the networks. Your deal and how much you’re paid is contingent upon your experience as an actress, your relevancy, and how much value you would bring to the role. If you’re NEW to the series regular role, more than likely you’re not going to get the BEST offer possible. You may not get life-changing money. Depending on your financial status, it may just be enough to make ends meet. Keep in mind that the networks will hold exclusivity over you for some time, so you may not be able to work a lot of different jobs. Your life is now that show. Have a business established. Many side ventures such as selling clothes, books, consulting — anything that will help bring additional sources of income is vital. (but that’s a post for another day.)

And most importantly, remember: You are not in a race to be in a series. There are new pilots coming out all year with the influx in distributors. Even if you have to start with an under five, a co-star here and there — make your acting career fun for you.

See you on the big screen.
-Chris Giovanni x
ig: @chrisgiovannii