The Breakthrough: When I learned to stop accepting No.

Happy Friday!!

Unlike most of my blog post relating to acting and show business, I wanted to take a shift on this one. I want to talk about something that has been on my mind lately, and that is reprogramming your mind to stop accepting no as the final answer.

Growing up, I never felt I had a voice. While I was very extroverted and happy on the outside, deep down I second-guessed everything that came across my mind. I didn’t feel confident, and it showed in my personal relationships and in my work ethic. Even as I merged into my late-teens and early twenties, it took me a while to realize my worth and I found it in various steps:

I learned to be confident in what I bring to the table.
In any work or personal relationship, there will be highs and lows. I learned to prepare my work in the best way possible for MYSELF, and not in comparison with others who I felt were perfect. There is no perfect anything! It’s the best of what you can bring to the table.

I learned to acknowledge all milestones both small and large.
All small victories lead to a bigger one. I learned to praise myself for everything accomplish. non-union commercial, sag commercial, co-star, series regular. Great energy generates consistent success.

I learned to surround myself around those who are just as motivated.
The saying “You are who you surround yourself around” never really meant much to me until I was able to put it to the test. Having friends who are entrepreneurs, or fellow agents and manager sparked a drive in me to build and be successful.

I learned to stop accepting no from everyone.
Growing up, the word no meant “that’s it”. You didn’t follow up because hearing the word “No” meant you were done. I learned to find the solution, instead of accepting the “No”. Persistency became my best friend, and ultimately — apart of my hustle.

So next time you’re feeling down about your current career standing, remember — the only person that can dictate how successful you will be is YOU.

Chris Giovanni